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Has your pet gotten lost or run away?
Lost/Missing Pets Testimonials:

"Mary came to our lives during a very difficult time. We went away on a very first vacation as a family of 4 when our beloved dog, Knox (11), went missing from a dog sister's house. He was miles away from home. With one call, our world had collapsed. From the moment our plane touched the ground we were frantically looking for him to no avail. Seemed we were always two steps behind him. Until we connected with Mary. She used her unique abilities, compasion, and wit to guide our boy home. He did not make it easy, but she was there, every step of the way helping us get closer, until, one Saturday afternoon, 26 days after he went missing, we were finally reunited. We are still amazed at how she did what she did, but she connected with Knox on many levels. He was able and willing to communicate with her about his whereabouts; he gave he insight into his location through his senses and she calmed him down so he'd slow down. She also gave us tools to help him find his way to us (and to calm our nerves).
Mary is a truly gifted person and a professional at that. She guided us throughout the process and let us know clearly what we can expect at each of the steps.
If you find yourself on this page because your pet is missing, don't hesitate and allow Mary to help you. We did and are convinced we'd still be looking for him if we didn't. Instead, he's home safe!
Don't lose faith!"
-Patrycja Pedzinska

"Charlie was lost in North Madison from his home after being newly adopted. Sightings were all over the place. He was spotted all the way up past the traffic circle at the camp. He certainly was traveling far and wide. Several sightings came in. Contacted Mary for her expertise in animal communication. As time went on, Mary directed me to certain places, including a place where she described a house; she said in the front there was a pond and ducks. We found that particular house and talked to the owner. He kind of thought we were crazy, but he let us put a trap there anyway. So the trap was set up in his backyard along with my cameras on it. Then we went out to dinner. We were all the way in Meriden, and my phone went off for the camera. I looked at my camera and the dog was at the property. I called the owner where the trap was and told him the dog was outside. Don’t go out. He said “You gotta be kidding me,” and I said, “no, not kidding you, he’s there.” Soon after Charlie was in the trap!! It was pouring down rain. Mary and I packed up our dinners to go and left and went out to Madison to get him! The owner where the trap was set really thought we were crazy telling him all these things but changed his tune after the dog was trapped!"
-M. Heltke, Lost Pet Search & Rescue Team

"The most notable things that I would say is, Mary telling us we were headed in the wrong direction, her insistance on a gully and something tugging, and then when we found him that couldn’t have been more accurate.
He was wrapped tightly around a tree, his lead had gotten tangled and caught because he was dragging along a branch. And he was right on the edge of a gully, we had to jump across it to get to him and he was sitting there quietly waiting until we got close. She was spot on about everything, including the injuries he sustained in the past."
-Lyric’s mom
My coworker has worked with Dog Gone Recovery group, and she mentioned Mary, an animal communicator that the group also works with. I’m an agnostic person, I don’t believe in religion, but I do believe people have these skills and as a person myself who’s encountered so many ghosts as a child, I don’t doubt these talents that people can possess. I did have doubts only because there are so many fraudulent people who claim to possess these traits. But I figured if this renowned Dog Gone Recovery group uses her, she must be the real deal. I called her, she explained cost and how she works. It was so emotional knowing Daisy was alive, hearing how my dog spoke through her to me. Even though I work with animals, I feel like this communication opened up my relationship more with Daisy, telling me her thoughts and sharing her personality even more. Mary only had a picture of my dog. That’s it. She was able to draw and give me the map without actual images bc that ruins her bias in communicating. She circled the area, she described very specific, and I mean SPECIFIC details. She googled a picture of a tree; I knew that tree was next door; she said black metal fence; literally my next door neighbor. I knew Daisy was practically in my yard. This feeling of her being right there, it fits, she doesn’t go far. But after searching for a few min, I didn’t delve more into it. I knew Mary was describing my street bc it’s a private road and the most developed road with large homes, surrounded by older small homes. I knew she was describing next door. Daisy told Mary that it’s very obvious where she is. Now this part, is where I failed to keep an open eye. So I continued to look down the street, out til 2 am with a veterinarian dr I work with. She came over with her dog to help me. She went through every single home’s backyard and looked under bushes and decks. I was hanging in the front with her dog afraid homeowners would catch us thinking we were trying to steal or trespass. So on our way back to my street about to call it a night, I told her, this is the black metal fence Mary was talking about. So Dr. K, with her dog said, “well, this is the only house I didn’t look through. But I didn’t think Daisy would be there bc I can see their backyard from my home in the second story; it’s a plain backyard. So Dr. K. comes back to the front, tells me, my dog is going crazy at this one corner of their fence with your corner. Let me through your backyard. Her dog, Winnie, goes crazy again at the same corner of my backyard. Dr. K. bent down, stucks her hand under the fence, and felt her. Felt my dog!! Felt Daisy!!!So let me describe the backyard area better. I have a vinyl fence. My neighbors have a stone wall with a vinyl fence on top to make their fence higher. So there is a small gap between the two fences, literally no wider than my hands.Daisy was stuck in between the two fences this whole time, for 6 days!!!!! Literally so stuck, she couldn’t even turn her head side ways. So when Dr. K. found her, that awful stench from urine scald and infection, she thought she was dead; I bawled and ran to get in between the fence. I called her name, and she lifted her head up to me. We had to break my fence open to get her out. She must’ve tried to get back home through the backyard and slipped on the stonewall and down further in the gap between the stone wall and my vinyl fence. We rushed her to where we work at Central Hospital. She was almost unscathed. There’s no way I would have found her without Mary and Dr. K’s dog! She was a Christmas miracle.Some other things Mary had told me was where Daisy was hurt. She said her right shoulder hurts, her vision is hazy. My work based their initial treatment of Daisy on what Mary said. She went through the “forest” but it was just line of trees in my next door neighbor’s backyard, she said she tried barking, but she’s tired. She was dry even though it rained, she’s under the tree. She told me how she’s part boxer bc the previous owner did a genetic testing. At the animal hospital, she got pain meds, antibiotics bc she had a UTI and some urine scald, since she could only urinate where she was stuck, iv fluids, acupuncture, HBOT, saw the neurologist for not using her hind legs couple days and being stuck. Daisy was lucky and really recovered well."

"Daisy has the tendency to get out of the yard a lot. Yes, terrible pet ownership here, especially since I’m a vet tech in the ER. I should know better. She’s normally not gone on average for more than 10-20 minutes, usually hangs around our street, sniffing around. She’s an old lady, 13 years old, 14 this August. But as the day went on and she still hadn’t returned, that’s when I started to worry. I called ACO, posted on FB groups, posted fliers, went out and searched areas around, used a drone, contacted a lost pet recovery group, left trail scents. I knew Daisy wouldn’t go far. She’s had back issues. I didn’t think someone would take an old dog, but I’ve seen worse scenarios in the ER. I posted fliers everywhere, my neighbors were keeping their eyes open; it was a beautiful sense of the community coming together for my dog. Now, Daisy has a collar with her name and my phone number. I knew if someone got her, they’d call me. If she got run over, they’d call me. All of 6 days, I was out for hours walking and searching.
-T. DeRosa

Need some insight?
Or do you just know something is medically wrong, but can’t get the answers you need?
Perhaps your pet behaving oddly or is anxious or reactive?
Do you have a pet who’s crossed the Rainbow Bridge and you want to reconnect?
Is your pet crossing over the Rainbow Bridge and you need support for this process?
Maybe YOU are in need of some support or insight?
One Hour Session Testimonials:

"Working with Mary has changed our family. We are a family of 2 (people only) loving dogs. The eldest with
medical issues and 2nd with emotional. And suddenly due to a family death we brought in a small older dog who had been adopted in NYC he was aggressive and protective, he had a heart condition and bad teeth. Although we wanted to love and care for him, he would attack and we were not sure we would be able to keep him.We were fortunate beyond words to find Mary who was able to explain our little man’s past life.
Our little man had been abused, he had a neck injury and broken ribs. he was taken out of the home but tied to a dumpster in winter at only 6lbs. Mary showed us that he was not mean or aggressive but terrified. With patience and a years time he is a sweet and loving part of our family.
Our second dog had a issue when my daughter added a second dog to her family. Our dogs being together had never been a issue but my dog was aggressive to this new addition. Mary explained that she was jealous and felt that the original dog had taken a new friend and. With this information we now have one on one play times that our new friend is not invited to.
Our eldest who suffers from many medical issues assures us that she is happy and not suffering
Thank you Mary for everything you have done for us."
- C. Villalba & Family
Words from Mary:
Twig is an off track thoroughbred who lives in Lexington, KY. His mom reached out when he began acting out of character and refusing to work.

Aphrodite & Ashley

"Mary was a godsend when my girl Aphrodite was battling advancing bladder cancer. She had become a picky eater and I needed to keep her eating to continue treatments. I contacted Mary who told me “she is showing me canned fish!” Aphrodite had not eaten fish her entire life, but I went shopping and bought every form of canned fish I could find. That evening, she had a canned fish buffet presented and she ate an entire can of salmon. With Mary’s continued help I was able to remove the stress and guesswork of meals and focus on the time I had left with my girl. When Aphrodite passed, Mary reached out before I had time to call her. I was unable to be with her when she passed and felt terrible guilt that I had let her down. Mary was able to tell me that Aphrodite did what I told her and when she saw her brother Tucker she immediately went to join him. She had not wanted me there when she passed and was happy with her big brother. It was a gift I could never repay. Mary’s abilities are second to none."
-Beth Hrnciar
"Ashley was a senior foster who came to me when her Mom was hospitalized. She was skin and bones and had lost the ability to use her back legs. I saw her and instantly wanted to help when she rolled by me at my vets office in her little makeshift cart. I had the privilege of giving Ashley a home for 6 months. She learned to use a wheelchair, gained weight, was able to stand on her own and take a few steps before she succumbed to cancer. In those months she got to play with other dogs, turtles and guinea pigs. We took daily walks and she loved car rides. Mary helped me understand what Ashley was feeling and how I could adjust her exercise plan. She helped me through the transition period when she was passing but the best was when I got to speak to Ashley after she had passed away. Ashley was so grateful for the time we had together. She felt like she had found fun for the first time in her life. As a foster, to know you made a difference for a senior in their final time was the best gift I have ever been given."
- Beth Hrnciar


Have a quick question?
Event Short Sessions / Email Reading Testimonials:
"I’ve used ZenZu twice since I came across the business in August and used her for in person and via email; definitely the in person short reading at the fair, she was so spot on! The email reading is great too, just as spot on and informative too and a good price if you don’t need an in-depth reading and just have one question in mind to ask. I’ve even recommended her to some friends! She’s my go to for any concerns or questions about my furry loved one current or past on!"
-Damaris Silhavy
Want to know more about animal communication or energy work? Would you like to study these topics or their related fields?
Workshop Testimonials:

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